Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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12 Minute Fitness Level Test Run On A Brisk Fall Morning
While we all have been impacted by this pandemic the biggest impact is on those that were already struggling. We can’t let the pandemic keep us from continuing to help those in need. We just have to find safe ways of doing that. Despite the pandemic there is still a great need for water, so I continue to run. #HWI #Run4Water #RiverBankRun Give to clean water: I was surprised to see an evaluation run come up so early in the training plan. I didn’t take a good look at the overall plan initially so I’ll have a hard time gauging what adjustments will have been made to my plan. So far the easy runs have been way slower than in used to, and I’ve…
Struggling Through A Solo 15 Miles Training Run
It’s tough doing long training runs all by yourself, and 15 miles is no joke. I pretty much got my peak pace at around 10 miles. The final 5 miles was quite a struggle at times, and my lap pace times reflected it. It’s hard to imagine that I’m going to need to go another 11.2 miles beyond what I ran today come marathon day. This year has felt way more off than last year. I got it done nonetheless. #HWI #GRMarathon #Run4Water
Getting To The End Of Training, Where Have The Miles Gone
Nearing the end of the Thursday training runs, one more next week before the big #GRMarathon day. These short training runs go by quick that is for sure. The #HWI team still has some more to go on the fundraising. There is still a match going on so every dollar someone gives is really two. #Run4Water #WhyIRun Donate to Water –
Kicking Off The Week With A Nice Run
This morning was one of those slow to get out of bed mornings. Once I got out and started breathing in some fresh crisp morning air I was awake and ready to roll. Especially after hitting play on the workout worship music. The first half of my run was time to just enjoy the worship music, the second half of my run I spent a lot of time in prayer. The combination of prayer, worship, and running it’s kind of a trifecta for me. I’m blessed that God had bought me to this place. And to top that all off I can use my running to have a global reach in helping bring clean water to those in need. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus Donate to…
A Little Later Thursday 3 Mile Run
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10 Mile Saturday Run For Hope Water
Ran 10 miles this morning for clean water. There are still people in Africa in need of clean water despite everything going on with #COVID19 and the hardships many are facing because of it. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon #RiverBankRun