Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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A 10K To Kick Off The Week
Did someone turn back the clock? I thought the winter running was well behind us, and I was enjoying shedding some of the layers. It made for tougher running when I had a harder time getting some traction. It was still an good time to be out and getting some miles in. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun

Expanding The Meaning Of Running For Water
So this morning, after making it about a quarter of a mile from home, I realized I had forgotten to grab my water when I walked out the door. At that point I really didn’t feel like going back home and starting my run over. The first half of the run was OK, but the second half was a bit more of a struggle without my water, making my #Run4Water mean even more than normal. As I continued through my run, #WhyIRun was at the forefront of my mind. My struggle doesn’t even compare to the daily struggle for clean water that those in Sierra Leone, Africa face. I had the benefit of a virtually unlimited supply of water waiting for me after the run….

First 5K Run, Best Time
[endomondowp type=’workout’ workout_id=’856426106′ ] Pro Gym, Jenison, Michigan

Monday Morning Recovery Run
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Not Quite A 5K, But A PR Nonetheless
After an 11 mile Tuesday run today seemed like it was barely worth getting out of bed for, but it is a necessary part of the training plan in order for it to be adjusted for how I’m actually doing. No worries about the lack of distance today as I believe I’m set to do a half marathon training run on Saturday. I was sort of hoping I might hit the 5K mark this morning but I was bit shy of that. I still managed some sort of PR. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun #Endomondo