Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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What’s The Latest?
Well, so what ever happened to the daily wisdom that I would bring to this thing they call the internet or blog-o-sphere? Well, sometimes life just makes a lot of demands on our time that we just can’t do anything about. Today I managed to finally get the new Faith & Fellowship Bookstore website online. This has been a long awaited task. There are some features that still need to be put in place but things changed along the way that will cause those things to require a different approach. On the personal front, things between Vanessa and I got all straightened out Monday night. It was a rather mixed up mess that we got ourselves in but it was definitely a growing point in…
As Christians, Are We Rising To Jesus’ Calling?
Christians, are we remembering Jesus calling or following the world when we complain about our president? It seems that I hear a lot of complaining and negativity about everything that our president does. I don’t agree with what a lot of what our president has done but I also wonder how many Christians are actually praying for our president, he needs it that is for sure.
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Let’s Fight Against The Virus Not Each Other
I wouldn’t call myself a Matthew McConaughey fan, but what he talks about in this news report is exactly where I’ve been at. If we stop worrying what the government is or isn’t doing and start carrying for each other I think we’re going to be much better off in the long run. Turning on each other is going to only makes things worse not better. #COVID19
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Friends At Work
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My 1st Group Run
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Blessed With An Amazing Wife
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