Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Health / Life / Relationships / Running
Running, Community, And Living With Purpose
I read this story tonight and it got me thinking about the journey I’ve been on but even more the HWI Daybreak community that I’ve been blessed to be apart of. Running has become for me something I couldn’t even have fathomed a little more than a year ago. Running for me is apart of who I am, and the relationships I’m building are a huge part of that as well. I hope that my running and my journey can be a light of Hope in the lives of people I share it with.

Already Missing My Wife
Glad I got the lawn mowed this afternoon before the rain rolled in. Going to try and keep on top of everything while Vanessa is gone to Africa this week. As we were praying before supper tonight reality hit me that she is gone. I’ll be honest, I almost lost it as we were praying for her and the trip. I know that this was God’s plan, and He’s in control of it all. I have no doubt of His protection over, and plan for, the team.
Blogging / Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Romantic / Youth Work
So What’s Been Going On…
I think I’m going to work my way back on this one. I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. (ok, as I start I realized it’s much easier to start at the beginning of a day and work through it, so this is going to be kind of weird to follow, oh well) Before I begin I have to say, the saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is so true. My dog Sweetie is so awesome. Show me a cat that picks up on the meaning of “It’s time for bed”. Dog’s have all the smarts, they’re awesome. Today I was able to get up at like 5:30, and this gave me a good amount of time. I did some devotions…
What’s Up With Me Today…
Of course, anyone that read my blog earlier, or will read my earlier post, will know that my day started out kind of crappy. Let’s just say that my mind and emotions got the better of me. Thanks to God for great friends and encouragers. I’m not sure if perhaps Caristy read my blog and told John to invite me out with the seminary students for lunch but it made a huge difference in my day. I won’t doubt that this was just God at work. I also got some very encouraging words from Cassie, thanks. I kind of shared breifly tonight with Andrew about the issue I have, and what caused all my problems this morning. Here it is for all to see. I…
A Big Thank You…
Thanks guys for the encouragement & support. The reality is that not really any of the advice items you’ve said is something I didn’t already know, or haven’t told myself like a hundred times. This is why I had to get it all out in the open. I just need a lot of prayer in this area of my life. Like I said at the end this is something I’m needed to take to God everday. You know this topic of not going and looking, as it relates to relationships, I’m starting to have a little issue with. I would agree that yes you shouldn’t go looking under rocks for someone but there are circumstances I believe that change this. I think if my own…
Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Settlers of Catan
Being Social…Fun Stuff!
So, not a lot to report on today. I’m feeling a need a little bit more time in the morning to get going. If I would get myself to bed at a decent time it would help, hopefully I’ll accomplish that tonight. Got into work and started working on website stuff. I pretty much worked on website stuff all day. I had a meeting with Church Services and we’re getting realy close with the new bookstore website. I’m hoping perhaps by Christmas, maybe even the end of this month, we’ll see. So I did a little more IMing (is that even a word, probably will be) with, well, Sarah. It was all good, except for the part of it keeping me from my work. She…