Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Another Day, Another Dollar…
Well another day gone. I didn’t feel like I got as much done today as I wanted, but that always seems to be the case. I didn’t even make it to any breaks today. Nothing too special went on today other than the normal Tuesday/Thursday work. Got an exciting email today. Moe Gifts had it’s first sale today! It was someone in Virginia. Don’t kow how they found the site. The site tracker I installed doesn’t seem to be giving very accurate results. My hope is that some of the link exchange work I did is how they got there.

Starting To See The Light
So last night the kitchen flooring got done so today we got gas installed for the stove, and Internet installed. My brother-in-law helped me get our appliances moved in. I finished hooking up all the appliances tonight. Things are starting to feel a little less overwhelming. I do still have to finish the floor in the hallway, and there is a huge pile of junk in the garage that needs cutting down to be picked up on Monday. I so can’t wait for move in day and us finally just being here and getting settled in.

Let The Flooring Begin
So tonight was officially the first night of flooring.Had a little help from my father-in-law, but the end was just me working on it and it was slow going. I’m not sure how I’m going to get it all done by Friday. So tired tonight, glad tomorrow is a resting day for my 5K training.

Friends / Health / Life / Relationships / Running
Great HWI Group Run, And A Personal Best
Had a great HWI Team Daybreak Group Run this morning. I love our community, and I especially love running with someone else. Training on your own definitely takes a lot of discipline, and having these group runs make for a great motivator to keep going during the week. I’m hopeful that I can join a couple guys I’ve been running with during the week for some training runs. Oh, and to top things off I hit a Personal Best this morning for a 1 hour run. Great way to kick off the day and weekend! [endomondowp type=’workout’ workout_id=’931912560′ ] Walker, Michigan, United States of America

Who’s Your Best Friend?
When you simply hang out together … when you carve out time for your most important relationship… when you make a point of sharing the little day-to-day moments… the results of that in your marriage are profound. – Biblical Secrets to a Happy Marriage This morning during my devotions time I was challenged with how I think about my wife. I’d heard other couples talking about their spouse being their best friend but I’d never really given it much thought myself and sort thought friends were in a different group than my wife. My best friend was a guy that I have served with in ministry for years and was the best man in my wedding. However if there is anyone in my life that should…