Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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My Long Weekend…
So it’s been a few days since my last post. When things get busy I find it hard to get them in. Things have been kind of crazy. I just noticed too that my last real blog post was Tuesday. Wednesdays always get busy and late, actually I ended up going over to John & Caristy’s after youth group again. It’s good for me to be apart of some social things, especially with people my own age. So let’s recap a little. Wednesday youth group was good. Joel & Liz Christensen gave a talk about their work in China. It was a little different than what they talked about on Sunday wo that was good. With the craziness of the week I didn’t do music,…
Blogging / Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Romantic / Youth Work
So What’s Been Going On…
I think I’m going to work my way back on this one. I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. (ok, as I start I realized it’s much easier to start at the beginning of a day and work through it, so this is going to be kind of weird to follow, oh well) Before I begin I have to say, the saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is so true. My dog Sweetie is so awesome. Show me a cat that picks up on the meaning of “It’s time for bed”. Dog’s have all the smarts, they’re awesome. Today I was able to get up at like 5:30, and this gave me a good amount of time. I did some devotions…

Preface: Healthy Living, A Story of Life Change
This post is the beginning of something bigger than myself. As I’ve been walking through a journey to get healthy over the past 8 months I have had many encounters with people that have asked me, either in depth or briefly, the “secret” to my weight loss. Recently, as I had breakfast with a very close friend/co-worker/brother-in-Christ he mentioned that I have a story worthy of a book. While I’m not sure about actually writing a book, I was prompted to consider how I might better share my story. I felt it was time that I dusted off my old blog and begin to put into words the journey I’ve been on. I’m not sure what this is going to look like in the end,…
Another Good Day…But I’m Tired
Ok, I’m straining to keep my eyes open here. I’m going to have to make this a quick one if I can. I got up this morning only to find I was out of grits. Yeah you heard that right grits. I’ve gotten on this grits kick. It’s pretty much like Malto-Meal [edit (11-12-05): grr, look what happens when you’re half asleep and blogging. It shouldn’t have been Malto-Meal but Cream of Wheat] which I’ve like for as long as I can remember. So I snagged a leftover roll at work when I got there this morning. I was pretty tired most of the day. I haven’t been getting to bed as earlier as I’ve needed to this week. I guess between the eHarmony, blogging,…
Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Settlers of Catan
Being Social…Fun Stuff!
So, not a lot to report on today. I’m feeling a need a little bit more time in the morning to get going. If I would get myself to bed at a decent time it would help, hopefully I’ll accomplish that tonight. Got into work and started working on website stuff. I pretty much worked on website stuff all day. I had a meeting with Church Services and we’re getting realy close with the new bookstore website. I’m hoping perhaps by Christmas, maybe even the end of this month, we’ll see. So I did a little more IMing (is that even a word, probably will be) with, well, Sarah. It was all good, except for the part of it keeping me from my work. She…