Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Game Time, Wahoo Marbles
Love playing games with my kids. We want to start doing a family game night once a week. Jacob enjoyed beating me at marbles. Then we had fun playing Rush Hour, and Jacob wanted to keep playing instead of having snack.
A Day of Blessings…
Well today has been such a full day of blessings. The sermon this morning, given by President Egge, was on generosity and not just about giving money, but the generosity that Christ showed to all through time & help. It was really good to hear about being generous in all areas of your life, following Christ’s example. Our LifeShapes study was excellent as well. Today we went through the hexagon, which focuses on prayer, and using the Lord’s Prayer as the model. While it gace and guideline, it also showed the vast ways that guideline can be worked out in our prayer life. Something that has brought me more in tune to a better prayer life is being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading in…
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Teach Me Patience…
These past few days have been pretty amazing. Let’s just say for starters, that God has really been teaching me a lot these days. This is something I very much need to think about and reflect on daily. Kind of all goes back to the learning circle. How important it is to reflect, plan, and act on the teaching that God does in our lives. It can be so easy to learn and move on without it having a truely lasting impact on our lives. God has been reminding me of this too. As of Wednesday God has really been revealing to me a need to be getting out of the Christian bubble I live in. It’s much like the times the disciples wanted to…
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So What’s Been Going On…
I think I’m going to work my way back on this one. I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. (ok, as I start I realized it’s much easier to start at the beginning of a day and work through it, so this is going to be kind of weird to follow, oh well) Before I begin I have to say, the saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is so true. My dog Sweetie is so awesome. Show me a cat that picks up on the meaning of “It’s time for bed”. Dog’s have all the smarts, they’re awesome. Today I was able to get up at like 5:30, and this gave me a good amount of time. I did some devotions…
Taking Up Some New Hobbies
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Being More Social?
Well, I would say that basically I’m pretty social when it comes to being a geek. I can talk about more than just geeky stuff but give me someone that’s interested and I can definately talk geek. This is probably do to the fact that I listen to a ton of geek Podcasts. This reminds me that I need to put up some links to my Podcast favorites. I should really look at some other genres to add to my Podcast subscription list. Perhaps broaden my horizon a little. I do subscribe to a few of Christian podcasts and the President’s weekly radio address.