Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Praying For Rain And Wells In Sierra Leone
As I felt the light rain coming down as I ran I couldn’t help but think of #SierraLeone and the long drive season they, putting a strain on water supplies. I especially thought of the village of #Ronkorhun and their struggles for water. I continue to pray for the rains needed to grow their crops and restore their water supplies. I also pray that Ronkorhun would see the miracle of a new drilled well in their village sooner than anyone could have expected. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water #WhyIRun Donate to Wells in Africa

Fighting The Urge To Just Go Back To Bed
It was tough to get going this morning. After another rough night with my daughter not being able to sleep I had all I could do to not just go back to bed after the alarm went off. Once I actually got the pavement my pace was a slow start for sure. I’m happy to say though that by the end things had turned around. I did enjoy a good time in prayer and worship. I not only lifted up some recent needs, and praise, but I also lifted up the people in Sierra Leone that are still struggling to gather clean water for their families. I also lifted up our Enable The Children sponsored child and his family. I know that life is a…

Great Weather For An Early Morning Run For Clean Water
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It Snowed, I Ran, It Rained, I Finished
It was slow going this morning. Like someone else has said it was like running in sand, my cleats we’re a marginal help. Glad to still have some worship and prayer time. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus

A Surprising Snowfall To Start Off A New Week Of Running
Enjoyed another 5+ mile training run this morning, even with the light snowfall. Since the ground is pretty warm the sidewalks were nice and clear. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun Give to clean water: https://timn.me/2Kx7NEr Even though the #RiverBankRun has been postponed to the fall I’m still sticking with the training plan that I’m working through for now. I haven’t signed up for any virtual races yet but I might so so. Let’s hope that the #COVID19 pandemic gets under control and more races don’t get cancelled into the summer months.

Short Run Felt Strange But Got Some Good Speed Work Done
Short assessment #training run today. Felt good but seemed way too short so put in little extra to at least get a #5K in. #HWI #HessLakeRun #GRMarathon #Run4Water