Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Just Another Picture of Me, But That’s Not #WhyIRun
For awhile the running pictures have been of me followed by my thoughts about my running. What has been lost quite a bit is the the focus on running to bring clean water to Africa. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverBankRun
Hitting The Training Run Hard
Today was a short assessment training run, basically 12 minutes of giving it all you’ve got. It’s preceded by, and follows, a 5 minute warmup & cool down run respectively. I did an out-and-back while giving myself some distance for a final cool down walk to home. We’ll see what this means for my final target pace for the Groundhog Marathon. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus I’m looking forward to representing Hope Water at the Groundhog Marathon again. My hope is to keep on target with the pace my training plan estimated and to complete it without having to walk. However, I’ve also considered intentionally doing walk/run intervals to ensure that overall I finish with a good time. We’ll see where I land. Give water, give…
An Easy Saturday “Long Run” To Finish Out The Week
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What To Do About Sugar?
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What Difference Does A Drilled Well Make?
Something that may not really be understood when people hear that #HWI helps to put in wells in Africa. The wells that Hope Water International partners with #WorldHope are drilled wells. These wells go down deep to clean water, and they overcome the challenges of the dry season. During the dry season the hand dug wells, or holes like is pictured here, dry up and daily living becomes a struggle to make it to the next rainfall. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon Donate to Clean Water:
Opening Day at FYI
They are back OPEN, of course we had to go on opening day! Been missing FYI for months now.