Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Warm-up and Cool Down For Running – Video
These are all things I need to start doing. By God’s grace I haven’t got any injuries yet but if I keep pushing myself and don’t do the things I should I’m going to hurt myself and then I’ll be out for running altogether.

Featured / Health / Life / Programming / Running
Looking Back on 2017, the Year of Firsts
I don’t recall if I’ve ever written any sort of year-in-review blog post or even social media post, but this year I have had so many firsts that I wanted to reflect on and share my thanks for. Health In the health department I not only reached my initial target goal weight but actually surpassed it, and my second target. I think this year I’ve weighed the least that I have in 26 years. I have always struggled with my weight and living a more healthy lifestyle. I attribute my success primarily to my wife, and also to the encouragement of many friends and family. I also had to have a lot of self-determination as well, but that was only had by seeing the impact my…

Returning to Vitamin D3
After having had a few colds this past winter, and their negative effects on my running, I’ve decided to start taking vitamin D3 again. Having a cold while running was making it hard to breath and caused me to have a higher heartrate which was not great. I need to keep working on a the health journey I’ve been on and based on a lot of information I’ve listened to in the past most people in the U.S. are vitamin D3 deficient so it’s a good thing to do. I should be clear that vitamin D3 alone is not a cure or surefire prevention for getting a cold. However, it is attributed to a better performing immune system. Anything that will help my breathing, and…

Daybreak / Health / Relationships / Running
My 1st Group Run
Had an awesome time this morning running with the HWP Daybreak Team. Enjoyed running with and getting to know Todd Sadler. [endomondowp type=’workout’ workout_id=’861942037′ ] Bauer, Michigan, United States of America

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Life Without Internet…Thursday
Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing. He had setup himself with a Blogger.com blog. I offered to host a WordPress blog for him, then we got on the sunject of creating a CLB Blog site. Not sure how much of a demand there might be for this. I think it might be cool if Synod Staff & Pastors had blogs through the CLB. I didn’t get out of work till like 6. I decided to take…