Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Devotions for Sacred Parenting #25: Stop Judging and Start Loving
“The sinful, selfish side of us truly wants and sometimes even expects a “perfect” child, but God doesn’t grant us “perfect” children in this fallen world—and even if he did, we imperfect parents would soon mess them up.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas I’m pretty sure I’m not alone with finding myself in a situation with my kids where I’ve thought to myself “why can’t my kids just behave? What’s wrong with them?”. The second question is normally followed up with the fact that my daughter is special needs, and that’s the “problem”. However, as I continue to learn God is in the business of changing lives, and he’s sure working to change me. Every day I see areas that I…

Patience, Persistence, And Keeping On – Keeping On
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God Has Our Back
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? – Romans 8:31 NLT This verse should give us the confidence to take on anything. Of course anything that is part of God’s plan and not our own doing. We need to hold on to this truth when we have those bad days where we wonder if it can get any worse or we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Working From Rest, Productivity At It’s Best
“Man’s blessing didn’t come from what he produced, rather, what he produced stemmed from his blessing. Let that blessing fuel your work, so that striving ceases and what you produce comes out of a place of rest.” – SELAH | Defining Rest In The Age Of Productivity The start of this study reminded me of the Life Shapes, specifically the Semi-Circle. There has been a lot of proof that in order to perform at our best we need adequate rest. What that rest looks like can be different for everyone. We are all charged back up in different ways depending on our personalities. Nonetheless, we all need to be charged up to tackle what’s before us. Even as a runner, I’ve seen first hand what…
Time To Get Serious: Telling The Truth
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Life Principle 28: Together in the Christian Life
No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone” in his or her walk of faith. – @YouVersion Plan, Life Principles To Live By.