Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Working From Rest, Productivity At It’s Best
“Man’s blessing didn’t come from what he produced, rather, what he produced stemmed from his blessing. Let that blessing fuel your work, so that striving ceases and what you produce comes out of a place of rest.” – SELAH | Defining Rest In The Age Of Productivity The start of this study reminded me of the Life Shapes, specifically the Semi-Circle. There has been a lot of proof that in order to perform at our best we need adequate rest. What that rest looks like can be different for everyone. We are all charged back up in different ways depending on our personalities. Nonetheless, we all need to be charged up to tackle what’s before us. Even as a runner, I’ve seen first hand what…

Lifelong Learning As A Developer
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WordCamp GR 2017 – Underscores & Me – Frederick Polk
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Doing It Right…Code Commits
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