Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Busy Days, Lazy Nights…
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We Can Always Choose To Take A Timeout
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Time To Get Serious: Telling The Truth
Isaiah 6:1-7, this morning I’m feeling very OK with my openness on my blog. I’m also once again thankful for Bruce’s comments to me yesterday. Today’s topic of truth talked about how as people we tend to sugar-coat the truth or complete lie with people. It is so easy for us to be shallow, and “nice Christians” that would do say the hard things that count. God of course is nothing like that and shares with us the complete honest truth, whether hard to hear or not. This devotional also does a little convicting, as it should, as I know that I stay pretty quite many times and don’t open up and be honest with people. How many times have we all, when being asked…
Running…My Physical And Spiritual Race
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