Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Being A Developer For Life…Can I Keep It Up?
photo credit: LeeroyBy now you’ve probably seen the viral clip of a father getting interrupted by his children while giving a live interview on BBC. Working parents everywhere, especially remote workers, could identify with the humorous embarrassment of the situation. Even those who have had pets interrupt Skype calls know the feeling. You want to… via Hacker News Question: Developers with kids, how do you skill up? — WordPress Tavern I’ve had many discussions with one of my good friends and fellow developers on this very subject. The key is keeping it all in balance and managing the priorities. It is tough sometimes, and I have to realize that I can’t do it all, but I also have to keep in mind that I can accomplish…
Doing It Right…Code Commits
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The Road Of Lifelong Learning To Be A Better Developer – Using Git Better
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Talking WPRig and Theming in the Gutenberg Era with Morten Rand-Hendricksen
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Enterprise API Development…Navigating The Battlefield
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