Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Feeling 99% Today!
Thanks for all the prayers guys! I’m feeling about 99% back to normal today. Got up at my normal 5:30 am, got some snow moved and got to work early. Now I’m patiently awaiting my PowerBook to arrive, hopefully the weather doesn’t have a negative effect. Well, have a great day all! P.S. Just did a quick check, it arrived in Minneapolis at 6:04 am. It’s close.
Where Does Our Witness Begin?
As I sat here thinking about how to safely write my thoughts, I began to be reminded of the life of Christ and his actions. I’m thinking of how he was viewed by those around him. Is it not true that Christ did things that were against the culture of the times, or at least things that caused people to question his actions? He had meals with those that the spiritual leaders wouldn’t dare find themselves in the company of. I guess at the moment the only examples that come to mind are those where he interacted with people that most wouldn’t. I guess my ultimate question is where is the line drawn where we can live in the freedom we have in Christ verses…
When God Straightens Us Out, We Find Joy
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What’s Up With Me Today…
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Start Out Another Week…
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