Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Blogging / Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Friends / Games / Relationships / Romantic / Youth Work
So What’s Been Going On…
I think I’m going to work my way back on this one. I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. (ok, as I start I realized it’s much easier to start at the beginning of a day and work through it, so this is going to be kind of weird to follow, oh well) Before I begin I have to say, the saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is so true. My dog Sweetie is so awesome. Show me a cat that picks up on the meaning of “It’s time for bed”. Dog’s have all the smarts, they’re awesome. Today I was able to get up at like 5:30, and this gave me a good amount of time. I did some devotions…
6 Exercises Everyone Should Do | MyFitnessPal
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Blogging / Carcassonne / Daily Thoughts / Food / Games / Settlers of Catan
Life Without Internet…Thursday
Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing. He had setup himself with a blog. I offered to host a WordPress blog for him, then we got on the sunject of creating a CLB Blog site. Not sure how much of a demand there might be for this. I think it might be cool if Synod Staff & Pastors had blogs through the CLB. I didn’t get out of work till like 6. I decided to take…
Blogging / Culture / Daily Thoughts / Games / Relationships / Settlers of Catan / Spiritual Warfare / Youth Work
Is There An Online Spiritual Battle Raging?
Here’s some thoughts I had while chatting on IM tonight. timnolte: I’m getting this sense that there is a big battle raging right now for our youth timnolte: I’m starting to question where this blog thing is taking people timnolte: I’ve actually noticed a few concerning things as I’ve browsed through some of the camp staff xanga sites too timnolte: I’m starting to feel like this battle is taking place on the internet where parents can’t see it timnolte: I started getting this thought about there being a need for a ministry that focuses on youth who spend a lot of time online…. timnolte: I think the lack of physical interaction and a false sense of anonymity is giving Satan an opening for his lies…
Dusting Off The Blog in The Corner
I’m going to keep this a little short as I’m actually typing this all out on my phone. I decided to try to consolidate and at the same time bring my old blog up-to-date and back into the picture. I haven’t really taken the time to blog in years. Going to perhaps pick things up again, while at the same time tie in my Twitter and facebook. We’ll see how it goes, not making any commitment, plus I can only type so long on my phone before nmy hands get tired. More to come later, hopefully.