Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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Daily Thoughts / Family / Geek / Life / Parenting / Programming / Tech / Work
Being A Developer For Life…Can I Keep It Up?
photo credit: LeeroyBy now you’ve probably seen the viral clip of a father getting interrupted by his children while giving a live interview on BBC. Working parents everywhere, especially remote workers, could identify with the humorous embarrassment of the situation. Even those who have had pets interrupt Skype calls know the feeling. You want to… via Hacker News Question: Developers with kids, how do you skill up? — WordPress Tavern I’ve had many discussions with one of my good friends and fellow developers on this very subject. The key is keeping it all in balance and managing the priorities. It is tough sometimes, and I have to realize that I can’t do it all, but I also have to keep in mind that I can accomplish…
Featured / Kids / Parenting / Relationships
Giving Your Time And Attention
Nothing can replace time. Kids don’t need things; they need time. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here: Just last night I had the opportunity to help start the Watch D.O.G.S. program at my children’s elementary school. One of the reasons for this is put together so nicely in my devotions this morning, showing our kids how important they are by giving them time. The essence of relationships is not what we do for each other or what we give to each other. The essence of relationships is how much of ourselves we give to each other. YouVersion plan ‘Better Together’. Check it out here: “I give my wife everything she needs. I give my kids everything they need. What more do they want?”…
Seeing The Light…
Since I’m still up, oh boy, let’s get a quick post in. Well, I’ll have to say that I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve got only one project I’ll be working on this week. I’m hoping to have that finished up by weeks end. The next step will be to take a break and just be social. I had a good time tonight visiting with some friends that were in town. Darren’s Mom & step Dad live right across the street. I’m going to have to plan a trip to visit them this spring. I didn’t get a chance to play with little Dane, so there’s another reason to visit. Well, the weekend was mostly used to work…
Taking A Break From Tech
So a few days ago a came across an article about a different app, for iOS, that had the intent on monitoring and setting up some boundaries when it comes to smartphone use. This app was one that had been previously reviewed, and recommended, for Android devices. I’m giving this a try, as I’m trying to do better with putting the technology aside and actually “being there” my family. The smartphone has it’s benefits, but like anything there needs to be a balance.
Culture / Featured / Government / Health / Relationships
Let’s Fight Against The Virus Not Each Other
I wouldn’t call myself a Matthew McConaughey fan, but what he talks about in this news report is exactly where I’ve been at. If we stop worrying what the government is or isn’t doing and start carrying for each other I think we’re going to be much better off in the long run. Turning on each other is going to only makes things worse not better. #COVID19