What’s in Store?
I think I’m coming to a point in my life where I’m having to really look hard at what is really most important. There are so many things I could be doing, and pretty much all good things. The thing that I wrestle with the most is that family comes first. What I mean is that I have can’t see my family being second to anything except to God. And in some ways there-in lies the struggle. God is first, and I want to honor and serve Him, be listening for His guidance in the things that I should do, but how do I do all that withouth feeling like my relationship with my wife might suffer, or that I’m not going to be there for my kids. I love to serve in so many ways at church, hanging out with students trying to make the website good, but it’s a balancing act for sure. What I trust in is that God will help me to see what is His path, how He wants me to spend my time.
When we are finally parents things are obviously going to change. There will be one more thing in my life that requires, unconditionally, my time. And of course that’s what I’ve chosen, well that is what I felt God led me into. I have to believe that it’s perhaps a part of His plan that we not have a child until now, since my youth group students have graduated, all but one. I’m still not certain if this is the signal for another time away from student minitries or not. I’m still seeking God’s direction there.
Well, I need to call it a night for now, perhaps I’ll get another post in before a month from now.