Busy Times, Time is Short
The theme this year at the convention has been “Follow Me”, and this has ministered to me in more ways than I can even express. In my heart that is exactly what I wish to do. My desire is to follow Christ wherever He leads me. He knows they way I must go, the timing I must do it in, and the steps I must take to get there. When we put our complete trust in Him, we can know that He is always there with us each step of the way. I am so thankful for a God that loves me so much to be willing to tend one who is just a sheep. Sheep can be pretty dumb animals, they can get lost easily, and get themselves into trouble. It takes a loving shepherd to help the sheep. We have a Great Shepherd that knows we are sheep, and yet still loves us, so much in fact that He gave His own life for us. I am so thankful for that.
Well, I have some laundry to tend to, and it is getting late. My days ahead are filled with mystery, but I know that all I need is Jesus to carry me forward.
tim i will miss you
me three
i’m a real boy
I’ll be praying…
eat cake