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More About The Weekend…

So now my special someone is all the buzz with those that know me. Everyone wants to hear more about how things went, and what the scoop is. I even got asked did you get engaged. The answer to that is no. That is something that is in God’s hands and His timing. Whether He chooses to lead us to that or not I will consider myself blessed to have Vanessa in my life. I think I’ll basically give a recap of my weekend. If you have questions you’re just going to have to ask them.

So I took off work early on Friday and headed to my parents. My Mom drove me to the airport and dropped me off. I waited my hour at the gate listening to some tunes and reading some magazines. One thing I have to say is that flying Midwest Airlines is an interesting experience. I’d also have to say that the planes that fly in-and-out of Minneapolis are pretty comfy. The biggest drag about the flight there was the little more than 2.5 hours lay-over in Milwaukee. I also was a little worried about my luggage as I decided to check my suitcase on the first flight and was hoping it would actually make it onto the second plane. The way bag I decided to just carry it all on, that was a little more comforting. This was my first lay-over experience btw. The flights themselves really didn’t seem to take that long, I was kind of surprised really. We hit the ground in Grand Rapids, MI a little early. I had given Vanessa a call before I left from Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and then when I hit the ground in Grand Rapids. She had made it there just about the time I hit the ground. It was so wonderful to finally see her again! It had been really a little over 2 months since our first meeting (back in February in the Twin Cities). It was about 11:20 PM when I got into Grand Rapids, then it was about 30-45 minutes back to her place. When we got to her place she gave me the quick tour and showed me what I needed for my stay. I’m feeling kind of like a dope right now because I don’t remember doing anything other than that before we said good night and she headed to her parents. (Vanessa if I’m forgetting anything in this post please fill in the gaps for me, and I apologize dearly if I forgotten something :-/) During the tour she pointed out a surprise box she had put together for me that I could open at some time. (After we said our good night I felt like such a dork that I hadn’t opened it with her. I’d like to think that my mind just wasn’t very clear with the amazement that I was actually there in MI with her. Not that’s is a good excuse or anything. :-P) I did be sure to open it and spend some time going through it before I headed to bed. As I read her notes and looked at the little things she put in there, that were things that reminded her of me, I sat there in utter amazement, and felt like the most blessed by God ever. It’s really hard to really put into words how I felt at that moment. It was enough though to keep me awake for hours before I could get to sleep. It was simply amazing!

We had decided on a time to start the day Saturday, which was like 10am I want to say. I was up around 8:30 and had gotten ready and just sat and looked through the classified ads that she had saved for me. There were a few interesting jobs that I found in there. (Yes, if you haven’t heard it or guessed by now, I’m planning on moving to MI. I’m trusting in God to work out the details for that, but it would be really nice if He had a rather quick plan in mind. :-D) When she arrived I couldn’t help but to give her a huge hug and express how much I appreciated what she had done for me with that box.

I want to say that on the car ride to her house I brought up the idea of spending some of the day taking photos. She had been taking a photography class and I had recently read a couple articles in my Macworld magazine on tips for taking photos. We sat on the couch and looked over those magazine articles and then headed over to Hager Park to just take some photos and enjoy the nice day. It was a really great time to just enjoy each other’s company, the weather and talk. We got some really great photos as you can see from my photo gallery. It was kind of funny cause during the time walking through the park one things that was on my mind was whether to reach out and hold her hand. I found out later (cause we talked about the very subject) that she was also wondering a little if I was going to hold her hand. It probably sounds a bit dumb, but you have to realize that this was really our first time being together in really a dating mindset. Our first meeting was more of a friendship/first meeting sort of thing. After we had gotten back from the park we uploaded the pictures to my laptop to take a look at what we had gotten for good photos.

After looking through the photos we decided to go for lunch at Perkins. We had some more good talks and good food. Then we headed back to her place and decided to play a game of Phase 10. It was a good game, and I do have to say that I won, lol. I tried to be a kind winner and not rub it in. It wasn’t like I was play cut throat or anything. The game took quite awhile and lead us up to the time we needed to head over to her co-workers house for a dinner party. It was a party with a bunch of her co-workers and their spouses. It was really nice to get to know the people that she worked with. i really thought that they were a really great bunch of people. It was a fun time with excellent food and laughter. The dinner party ended with me attempting to play basketball with the guys. If you didn’t know already I’m not much of a basketball player. I guess it was nice that I had actually made one basket. Once the game was over the women were looking to call it a night. That was fine by me as I was pretty wore out. Vanessa and i had thought about perhaps renting the Chronicles of Narnia before we headed the the dinner party. After all the physical activity with the guys I was tired but wide awake. We headed to the Blockbuster only to find them all out of the movie, they even called the other store and they were out too. There was another rental store that Vanessa thought of and they happened to have only one copy left, perfect for us. Neither of had seen the movie and were really looking forward to it. So we got home, popped in the movie, and got comfortable on the couch. By this point we had established that we were both ready with holding hands, and dare I say it, we cuddled on the couch as we watched the movie. And just to be firm there was “No Funny Business” between us, simply holding hands and being close. I guess as I write this I sort of wonder why I’m being so open about this. I guess there is a sense that I have nothing to hide, that if there is a question about my actions or how Vanessa and I behave in our relationship, I would prefer it be open for comment and concern by others. I do have to say it was an excellent flick for sure! I’d recommend it to anyone, and no it wasn’t just because of the company. πŸ˜› After the movie ended we both just sat there for awhile as we didn’t want the day to be over. The weekend was really moving to fast. We finally decided that with church in the morning we both really needed to get some sleep. She still had a drive to her parents and I was already a little concerned for her safety in driving with it being so late and her being tired. We hugged and said our good night once again.

Sunday morning she came and we had a little breakfast before we headed to church. The day was starting out to be a rather rainy day. We went to her second service, we found a seat right away. I was simply amazed at the way her church ran her service. I’d doubt most that read this have been apart of that kind of service. I really likened it to perhaps a Chris Tomlin concert. Her pastor spoke about his vision when the church first started. It was amazing to hear him talk about wanting to focus on the lost when starting Daybreak, I could really resonate with what he was speaking about that morning. After the service Vanessa gave me the tour of her church. They have really amazing facilities that can serve so many diverse people and ages. They are working on a new wing that is for high school aged.

After the service we headed back to her place and worked on getting her salad put together that she was bringing to her parents for the late lunch that day. It was nice that she let me give her a hand in putting the final touches on the salad (which was quite tasty I might add). After getting the salad done we headed over to her parents. I was a little nervous, but I figured that I just needed to be myself. I got there and everyone was happy to meet me. We had another great meal and time of laughter and playing some dominos. I really enjoyed my time with her family. I really don’t remember being nervous during the time that I was there. I loved getting to hear about them, and get some insides scoops on Vanessa, hehe. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ We were there until sometime after 6pm. The weather had sort of cleared a little and we were hoping to head to the beach to watch the sunset. The whole drive there is looked like it was going to shape up to be a nice evening for it. When we actually got close to the lake we found it completely foggy, cold, and windy. We basically turned around and head back to her place. We were trying to think of something to do for the evening. I came up with perhaps going roller skating. Well the place wasn’t open in Sundays so that was a no go. We decided to head back to her place and just hang out there. We grabbed a book that she had that had some good relationship questions in it. We just spent the time together, being close and talking. After making our way through a set of questions it was late but we again didn’t want the day to be over. The unfortunate fact that the next day was my last day there was not pleasant to think about. We decided to just pop in a movie a be together. She fell asleep for a time in my arms as we watch the movie. I was really feeling on top of the world at that moment. When the movie was done it was again another time of saying good night, it was even hard that night to retired our seperate ways for the night, knowing that tomorrow would bring and end to our time together.

On Monday Vanessa had plans for us to take her nephew Caden to a place called Meijer Gardens. The were coming to the end of a special butterfly exhibit. It was so fun to spend time with her nephew and enjoy the beauty of the gardens and butterflys. We had a wonderful time playing with Caden in the childrens play area there. The time just sort of flew by. When we got back to her parents house her Mom was already home. We said our goodbyes there and decided to grab a bite to eat.

We didn’t have any specific plans for the rest of the day. It was such a nice day out that we thought it would be good to enjoy it and each other while we could. We were going to go through another set of questions, it was so bright outside that we decided to just leave the sliding glass door open and enjoy the fresh air, as we sat on the couch. We just talked and spent the next hours being together until finally the hour had approached that I would be needing to leave for my flight.

It was really hard to think about leaving. I wished that I could just stay, but that really wasn’t an option. We drove to the airport. I really think we were both sort of quiet for a time because we were both dreading what was to come. We had already had some emotional times over the weekend just thinking about me leaving. We got the the airport and I checked in and she was able to go with me to a lobby area. We just spent those last remaining mintutes together. We enjoyed some cheese and crackers that she had brought along and each others company for one more moment. We got sort of cought up that I almost missed my flight. I had to quickly say goodbye and rush through security to then get to my flight. It ended up being ok as they hadn’t even gotten to boarding the plane yet when I got to the gate. I got a little scolded by one of the security people about cutting it close. If they had been in my shoes they probably would have been cutting it close too.

I made the trip back, and all the while I was missing being with Vanessa. I was hoping that I would wake up from dreaming and somehow be back in MI. My parents picked me up from the airport and got me a cup of coffee for my late drive back to Fergus. I got home about 2-2:30 in the morning, I was glad that I was going to be having Tuesday off as well. Vanessa wanted me to call when I got home to make sure I arrived safely. I really wanted to talk with her and tell her that I had missed her but I knew it was just too late for both of us. I really didn’t want to make her upset at that time in the morning either, nor myself.

Well, that was most of the trip. I think I got most all of the details there. Like I said, Vanessa may have to fill in some gaps or make corrections. I’m realizing now that this post has become a pretty hefty entry. As it would seem I have been typing away for like the past 1.5 hours. Those reading may have to take an intermission. Well, I need to call it a night.

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  1. OMG RED ALERT CUDDLING OMG FUNNY BUSINESS WARNING WARNING PWNED WE ALL WILL DIE…but once again, glas you had a good time. And you should move here instead of leaving us. You can’t leave me here. You owe it to your country.

  2. Tim it sounds like you had a great time in Michigan…..I thought it was kind of funny that you said you went to the beach….I think of the ocean when I hear the word beach. πŸ™‚ Vanessa sounds like a nice girl and I’m glad that you guys like Narnia!! Glad that your trip went well!

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