I had a great night’s sleep at the hotel. Where we are staying there are multiple buildings of rooms. Each of us has our own room and bathroom. I was honestly blown away with the accommodations. As I mentioned to my wife, I was humbled by the accommodations compared to living conditions we passed by on our drive to the hotel the previous evening. After breakfast, which included eggs, toast, fruit, and a hotdog, we loaded up in the World Hope vehicles on our way to Kethirie for church. It was so amazing to experience worship with the people of Kathirie and listen to the pastor and children’s ministry teacher give messages. What impacted my the most was seeing the people of Kathirie giving offerings…
Fabulous pictures, Tim…
So, since I missed it somewhere along the line… how did you and Vanessa meet?
i guess this means i’m not the most important person in your life anymore.
i’m not crying
in a huge puddle
of tears
but seriously, looks like a good time. you know what you should do after such a good time?
BLOG! longer than two sentences.
Hey… great pictures. You should come out sometime and check out the new stuff going on at camp… I just got done testing out the new sound system and visual equipment too. This weekend is womens retreat, so that’s probably not the best time, but pop out during the week or any other weekend if you want. Let me know ahead of time and there will probably even be a meal in it for you. You know the number… I think.
For those that don’t know Vanessa and I met through eHarmony. And as it would happen right now my plan is to move to Michigan, so long as that’s God’s plan. I’m trusting in Him to work those details out. If I could just have my way I’d be moving out there right now, however my true desire is to be following God’s guidence in this relationship.