Start Out Another Week…
This past weekend I had a nice visit from my parents. I invited them up for a weekend just to hang out. I was kind of hoping to give them a break from things back home too. We had a nice weekend of just hanging out and playing some games, chatting, and did more shopping than I could have guessed we were going to do, lol. I ended up taking a 4.5 hour nap on Sunday afternoon. It was actually a phone call that finally woke me up. The nights got pretty late over the weekend, and I had to run sound at church too. It unfortunately made for a terrible nights sleep however. I’m good today though.
The day went pretty good, even though I still feel like I didn’t get nearly as much done as I would have liked, but that is always the case. I even had a friendly visit from my good friend Chad. I wasn’t expecting him, but he had a meeting in the Twin Cities and was on his way back home. It was nice to visit a little. I decided I’m going to make a trip up to Fargo to hang out with him tomorrow and help him work on his fireplace.
Gotta go…perhaps more later.
i like fire
burning things… yum