Well, I have to say that life is still kind of up and down for me. I’m beginning to realize that being busy is probably in my nature. As I think back to my high school and college days, I remember being a pretty active guy. And to think I have shy tendencies, lol. I would have to say I’m far from being the guy in the middle, I’m the guy that is at both extremes at the same time. What and interesting combination that brings, lol. I’m finding it nice to pretty much have all my projects for people done. I’ve got another that will be starting, a missionary promo, but I don’t expect that to tak too much time. My big project, that…
Very nice 🙂
lets see vanessa and anders duke it out to see who is right? 5 bucks on vanessa.
we should make this a comment farm.
oh look, another comment? so silly. giggles. sniggles. gurgles.
blogalogalogalogalog… BLOG!!
Wow! What happened to my avatar?
Is it ’cause my e-mail is different?
hugs and kisses from argentina!!!
tim im about to beat your language fillter me thinks
crowzer: 1 Language filter: 0