This is going to have to be short, I need to get ready for bed. Life’s been pretty great, but busy too. Vanessa and I have been busy planning wedding details and starting to get things ready at her place for me to move in. It’s tax season and I got my taxes all done and submitted last week. On the bad side my MN taxes are under review I guess, just got a not about it today. It doesn’t say that I’m being audited , but they sent me a questionnaire about my MI residency, perhaps they couldn’t believe that I’d think about moving to MI. 😛 jk Last week my PowerBook was sent off to Apple for a little repair. I also ordered…
I said that and failed miserably at coming through… don’t do what I did Tim…
yes. look to me, the master of the blog, the luckiest of the lads, the awesome of the failures, the biggest of the losers, the pickle in the potato, the farm in the france, the meat in the cheese, the macaroni in the hotdog.
i will continue in the morn with my list.