Time To Get Serious: God Is So Good

Psalm 25:8, Psalm 34:8, continuing on in getting to know who Gos is, we have to understand that God is good. It always makes me a little frustrated when I hear the classic argument, “If God does exist, why is there so many bad things in the world?”. I almost what to laugh in disgust. We are sinful people in a fallen world. Some may want to argue why we should have to pay for Adam & Eve’s mistake. Well if they wouldn’t have made it we would have. It is us that makes the world so terrible. We all have choices, and must decided how we are to act. Our nature is sinful, which means we need the goodness of God to help us…

Time To Get Serious: Better Than Gold

Psalm 19:7-14, we need God’s Word. This passage in the Psalms is telling us what the Word of God can do for us: 1.) it’s comprehensive; and can change your whole person, 2.) it teaches you how to live; and gives wisdom, 3.) shows you the true path; you can’t see life as it really is without it, 4.) the Word is pure and perfect without fault. The reading also talks about how so many things in the world today take away from being in God’s Word, and holding it more valuable. The reading also got me thinking about the difference in reading a Biblical-based study, and just reading the Bible straight-up. I had the pleasure of talking with my families old neighbor over the…

The Rat Race…

Well, it’s been crazy lately. I’ve had so many things going on. So I haven’t gotten much for posts up in the last few days. I was up way too late trying to get me photo gallery going on Thursday, after my walk. The walk Thursday was very relaxing. I wish I didn’t have so much going on all the time. I really enjoy the time outdoors, I can’t wait until the camping trip this weekend. As a result of being up so late I had a hard time getting up Friday morning, this meant I didn’t get my devotions done before work. It’s been a real battle for me to change my sleep schedule. I’ve been such a night owl, but getting to bed…


So I didn’t get a Thursday post up. I was working on the new photo gallery. Also, I didn’t get home till late from my walk. My pictures are up in the gallery. I’m hoping to get the gallery design setup better. Till later…on to my devos.

Time To Get Serious: Our God is “Heavy”

Matthew 17:1-8, Jesus and the mount of transfiguration. When Jesus took a few of the Disciples up to the mountain top, I see two things that happened. One, is that He revealed His glory as God. It has me thinking about all the ways that God reveals Himself to us, whether through His Word, through others, or through things that happen. We have many opportunities to see God in the world. The second thing that happened, was that the disciples wanted to pitch tents and stay there experiencing this great event. However, Jesus said no. He didn’t want what happened to stay there, but wanted the Disciples to share what happened with others. We can sometimes take the times & things that God reveals to…

Overall Good One…

Ok, so things at work were pretty good. I realize that my expectations of what I want to get done are perhaps slightly too high, and I get distracted easily which also prevents me getting done all that I want to. I’m certain that I’ve got some slight case of ADD. Todd took Bruce Stumbo & I out for lunch at God Father’s. Good pizza, and I got dessert pizza this time too! We talked about the FFP website project and how that was going. I explained that there could easily be enough work for me to do just web & IT work. They both of course agreed. It’s too bad I can devote more time to that as there is so much more that…