As given to me by someone else: A church is a local expression of the global and historical body of Christ where: ¬∑ People intentionally share life together. It is a spiritual community where life‚Äôs resources are joined together, people are expected and are equipped to be vulnerable and accountable with one another, and the community and the needs of those inside and outside the community are met. (Acts 4:32-34, 2:42-47) ¬∑ Worship is experienced. God is central, God‚Äôs worth is lifted high, and Jesus is worship as God. It brings people into the meeting of heaven and earth, and calls the believer to live life for the reality that awaits. (Romans 12:1-2, Rev.4:5-21) ¬∑ Ministry takes place. Ministry is a natural outpouring and result…
ew… said butt
why cant’ i say crap
That’s because crap is a derivative of butt, and my filter doesn’t allow derivatives. LOL 😛
isn’t pollution a derivative of people. filter that crap.