(Proverbs 27:1-3) What a day today was. Surprises at every turn. So this morning I used my “snow blower” for the first time. I’m sorry to say (Mom & Dad 🙁 ), that that thing is not much more than a gas-powered shovel. I think I could have do it by hand faster. Well, can’t complain about the price I guess. Got to work with an unplowed parking lot, but behold there was 1 clearly open spot for me to park, yeah! It was nice to have gotten up at 5:30 again. I was feel pretty good today, pretty much back to my old self. Well after continuous looks at the UPS package tracking it appeared that I wouldn’t get my new PowerBook until tomorrow….
yessssssssss… *hand motion*
ITS SEXY…wait what?
i’ve been censored.