– These days there is a lot of talk about the less fortunate and especially the oppressed. It’s very clear from Scripture that as Christian’s we are to defend, and stand against the oppression that we see. To be clear, however, any stand that we make needs to follow biblical principles, not the rights that the world has made up. Unfortunately, following biblical principles is not how the world wants Christians to stand against oppression.
Well, as it would happen I’m actually getting another post in. My hope was to get back to posting daily. In a sense I sort of have been posting daily, it just happens that it hasn’t been on here. I’ve been posting daily devotional thoughts over at the Faith Shaping website. I do want to attempt to get regular weekly posts at the very least. This past weekend I had a nice visit from my parents. I invited them up for a weekend just to hang out. I was kind of hoping to give them a break from things back home too. We had a nice weekend of just hanging out and playing some games, chatting, and did more shopping than I could have guessed…
Well, I finaly made it up early today, and I had my time with God. What an incredible difference that makes. I feel like I got a lot accomplished today at work. I still have a pretty busy work day tomorrow but God has shown me the light. Tonight I was able to get yet another project completed. It looks like by next weeks end I should finally have my head above the water. I’m so thankful for the prayers and support I’ve gotten from people. It just came to mind that I’ve experienced a kairos moment. So in light of the learning circle it would seem I have done a bit of observation, reflection, & discussion on this moment. In order to complete the…
I’m going to keep this a little short as I’m actually typing this all out on my phone. I decided to try to consolidate and at the same time bring my old blog up-to-date and back into the picture. I haven’t really taken the time to blog in years. Going to perhaps pick things up again, while at the same time tie in my Twitter and facebook. We’ll see how it goes, not making any commitment, plus I can only type so long on my phone before nmy hands get tired. More to come later, hopefully.
“Our kids, by their existence, make a legitimate spiritual claim on our time, our money, and our focus.” – Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas I was challenged today in how I approach being a Dad. Too often I choose to focus on everything but my kids. Our time is too short with our kids, and there will be years ahead when we will have all kinds of time to pursue other things. I will say that this is one of the reasons I wake up at 4am some days to get a run in as I make an effort to not let my running negatively impact my family. #parenting #sacrifice #responsibility