Technical Architect
A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Developer with Forum One.
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The Other John
(John 1:15-28) – One thing that can be confusing wen you are reading through the Scriptures is the fact that the same names are used in more than one context. Here we’re reading the book of John and right at the begin he begins talking about John. The John that is talked about here is actually John the Baptist who, if you read more of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) you’ll find out is actually Jesus cousin. Now John the Baptist was called by God to go ahead of Jesus and prepare people for his coming. John was a pretty wild looking guy and got pretty riled up when speaking about Jesus coming. Since he was baptizing people the Pharisees were pretty interested…
Full Days…
So I didn’t really get off to a good start this morning. Basically my whole sleeping schedule has been thrown off. Tomorrow I will be forcing myself to get up when the alarm goes off. The day turned out pretty excellent however. The Bible study I had with a couple of youth guys really revealed a wrong attitude I had about the weekend coming up. I find it can be frustrating to see people treat others with such disrespect, especially when we are talking about Christians. I guess it is easy to hold Christians up to a higher standard. This is right and wrong. While we should expect Christian to be doing what’s right in the eyes of the Lord, we also need to show…
Another Quick One…If That’s Possible
Well, the goal here is to keep it short so I can get to bed. So today was a pretty good day. I really feel like I got some things done at work. I’ve been getting some very encouraging words from many, I thank you all again. As I’ve thought even more about this topic of relationships I’m finding myself torn on a fine line between expecting God to do all the work and taking it all into my own hands. I think a big issue is motivation. While it’s not bad to look elsewhere for social interact, thinking about not having much for single people to hang out with, my motivation is to find my future wife. This really needs to be left to…
Can I Make A Weekly Update?
Well, so it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I think I need to do something about this. In no way have I gotten tired of the whole blog scene, it’s just that my life has changed so much. I’m still finding my way back to something that feels normal. Everything here still seems pretty new. I remember that it took a few months for me to establish some normalcy my first year of college. Everything was brand new for me, and it was hard to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t felt sad that I’m here, I do miss seeing so many people but I have been able to chat briefly with so many of you. If anyone ever wants…
Just A Short One
Well, here I am in the wee hours of the night. So the pleasant act of IMing and playing music caught me up tonight. I pretty much got my taxes done, and it looks like a good tax return. Too bad I have debt, I go out any buy one of them fancy 5G iPods, 🙂 Well, I’m hoping in the next couple of years to have all the small debt paid off. Then it’ll just be down to the big stuff like the car & house. I didn’t get my devotions in this morning like I had hoped, was up too late again of course. However, I wasn’t going to let my day go by without spending some time in the Word. So I…
Where’s The Line…Freedom in Christ or Good Witness
(1 Corinthians 14:13-25) In my devotion time today, Paul was again talking to the church in Corinth about matters of witness to unbelievers and escentially the freedom found in Christ. The problem for the early church, and I would say that this problem has not gone away, was that for the unbelievers (or even weak or new in faith) there were things that they didn’t understand which easily turned them off to Christianity. The hard part comes in that God has called us, as Christians, to be different than this world. While we are to be different we are also to do so, not in a way that turns people away, but in a way that draws other to Christ. There comes decisions which have…
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nice window. its good for scaring…i mean smiling at your coworkers as they walk by
so you haven’t blogged for 3 days, and neither has ashley, so…you should update this one day because my life is boring and I need to know of every little thing that you do. Everything.
I notice your office has a window. Is that cuz you think your fat? Cuz your not. You could have like a french door if you wanted