Thursday was an ok day at work. I really didn’t feel like I was able to keep on task as well as I would have liked. I was able to make some progress on the CLB site, integrating the forums into the homepage. I also got to talking with Todd about the whole blogging thing. He had setup himself with a blog. I offered to host a WordPress blog for him, then we got on the sunject of creating a CLB Blog site. Not sure how much of a demand there might be for this. I think it might be cool if Synod Staff & Pastors had blogs through the CLB. I didn’t get out of work till like 6. I decided to take the time and make some spaghetti. This took a little while, but since I didn’t have any internet, and it was better than PB&J I figured I’d go with a good meal for the night. After that I decided I wanted to check my email so I ran over to work with my iBook. I was there a little while. Besides checking my email I was messing with the wireless setup. I’d like to get the roaming setup working so that the change-over between APs would be pretty seamless. After a bit I got a call from John O, he was wondering if I’d be up for a game of Settlers or Carcassonne. Well since I really didn’t have much else to do I said sure. When I got over there John wanted to go over the the boys dorms at Hillcrest as Bruce wanted to get some guys to try John’s hot sauce. Well that was a bust as we couldn’t find Bruce anywhere. Oh, yeah Luke was there too. We got back to John’s and Caristy was home. We got the board setup. Jeanette joined us too, Caristy decided not to play. So it was the four of us. It was a good time. I ended up losing, but I wasn’t playing very nicely either. After the game we all called it a night. I didn’t sleep very good that night, the spaghetti wasn’t sitting too well.
Well, so what ever happened to the daily wisdom that I would bring to this thing they call the internet or blog-o-sphere? Well, sometimes life just makes a lot of demands on our time that we just can’t do anything about. Today I managed to finally get the new Faith & Fellowship Bookstore website online. This has been a long awaited task. There are some features that still need to be put in place but things changed along the way that will cause those things to require a different approach. On the personal front, things between Vanessa and I got all straightened out Monday night. It was a rather mixed up mess that we got ourselves in but it was definitely a growing point in…
I’ve been caught up tonight in some major Google searching. “For what” you may ask, “where is God leading me?”. The realm of my searching was community of faith, postmodern youth outreach, and reading some about the idea of the emergent church. What does this all mean? I have no clue. I feel an urgency to move (not just location), and for making great changes in my life. I’m searching to find out what’s next. I’m finding that perhaps God is calling me also to be patient and let Him reveal this change to me in His time. I kind of feel like it’s a bit cruel to be called in such a way but then asked to wait. I know, of course God is…
Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34 NLT There are days, sometimes even seasons, in our lives that are tough, even painful, and yet we still need to give thanks to God. No matter what valleys we end up in God is there and we can find some blessings in our lives. I’m glad to be reminded today that, despite feeling like everything is falling apart around me, God is still there and He has blessed me with a lot.
Yeah, Dan’s winning streak was finally broken in Settlers, I won the game. It was close, John was one roll away from winning, then he had his longest road taken away. It was downhill from there for him. Getting the longest road gave me the final points needed to win. I didn’t get a post up last night as I was working on getting a blog setup for my sister. Hope this works for her. Well, I need to go warm up the car and get to work. Good day all!
It was an especially stressful week. Getting a long run in and reading this devotional helped to turn things around. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13 NLT